Please select the accreditation option you would like to apply for:
Volleyball Australia Coaching Accreditation:
- Level 1
- Level 2 Associate (only available through face-to-face course)
- Level 2 State
- Level 3 Associate (only available through face-to-face course)
- Level 3 National
- Level 4 (via invitation only)
If you need to renew your current accreditation, please select one of the following links:
Volleyball Australia Coach Accreditation Renewal:
- Level 1 (There's no renewal process, the level 1 course must be completed again)
- Level 2 Associate*
- Level 2 State
- Level 3 Associate*
- Level 3 National
If you want to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning | Recognition of Current Competency, please select one of the following links:
Volleyball Australia Coach Accreditation RPL/RCC:
- Level 2 State
- Level 3 National
If you are unsure what level you should be applying for please email
*If you are interested in an upgrade instead of a renewal please email VACT or reach out to your club to see if the assessments can be completed.