2025 Tuesday Open Autumn Season Entries


Tue 29 Apr 2025 00:00 — Tue 01 Jul 2025 23:45

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Mon 14 Apr 2025 17:30.

Tuesday Autumn Season

Competition Dates

Commencing Tuesday 29th April 2025 and finishing on Tuesday 1st July June 2025 (Aligns with the school terms 2 & 3)

Women’s Division 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Youth

Competition length: 10 weeks

All Divisions play compulsory 3 sets (25, 25, 15) - 60 min scheduled games.

NOTE: The Australian Youth Volleyball Championships (AYVC) will be held the same week as the Open League finals. Teams are required to take this into consideration when entering, teams that cannot be fielded during finals will be replaced by the next best team. Finals will not be rescheduled.

Division rules

There will be a maximum of 10 teams per division.
Divisions will based on final ladder positions from the 2024 Spring season.
No teams can directly enter Division One.
A promotion/relegation system (top/bottom two) will be used between the Autumn and Spring seasons.

Division 1 and 2 will have full duty requirements, Division 3 has duty requirements of 2nd Referee and scorer, Division 4 and below have no duty requirements

NOTE: All teams need to ensure they register through the EOI form. VACT will not be accepting team registrations through the submission of spreadsheets or emails. Currently VACT do not have the capacity to undertake the additional workload.

Competition Fees

Open League team fees are based on a $103 per team per week ratio, the team season fee will be as follows:

Women's Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 - 10 weeks @ $103 per week = $1,030 per team 

Youth Team – 10% discount = $930 per team (only applies for teams in the Youth division)

School Team - Must be approved by the school to participate in a VACT Competition = $930 per team

Teams not fully paid by week 3 will not be permitted to play until payment is made

Player Registration 

All players must be registered with VACT before their first match. Registration is on an individual basis and is separate to the team's competition fees. Any team found to have played an unregistered player will forfeit the match.


The VA 12 Substitution Rule shall be used for Women's Open League Divisions 1, 2 and 3

A maximum of twelve (12) substitutions per set.

A player may take the court only three (3) times per set, including starting on court.

Once a player has started in, or substituted into, a particular rotational position, that player may only be substituted back into that same position for the duration of the set.

Women's Open League Divisions 4 and lower divisions- Players may substitute on and off the court between points, there is no restriction on the number of substitutions within each set. If the 1st Referee feels a team is using this substitution rule to gain an advantage, they will be given a warning and if this continues the Sanction Scale will be used.


Teams are permitted to change the Libero player at the end of each set. The Libero must always be in a contrasting playing shirt to the rest of the team.

Finals Qualification 

To qualify for finals a player must have participated in at least 3 matches (30% ) for that team during the regular season.

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